Dentistry is a growing field that attracts more and more students every year. It is a wonderful profession with several specialty fields that students can study to further their future practice. There are new techniques and procedures appearing every day and it can admittedly be a little hard to stay caught up for an orthodontist and student alike without the book Orthodontics. Current principles and techniques can help greatly. It can help everyone from student to practitioner as it goes over many new and highly effective procedures that can help everyone.

From going over new ways to give dental veneers to dental braces this book discusses everything you would need to know about a procedure. In fact it even goes over the newer type of dental braces that many people would be much happier to get when compared to the older metal and wire style. The new Invisalign braces are virtually invisible when worn which helps with your confidence as people won’t be staring at a mouth full of metal. This book covers everything from the materials that go into these newer types of braces as well as materials in other procedures. You will also learn about new equipment that will make your life in the office much easier when performing dental procedures on a patient.